Pressure Sore Reconstruction

Pressure sores result from decreased blood flow to an area of skin and tissue. When you rest on a bony area of your body for an extended period of time, the pressure prevents adequate blood supply and can cause tissue death.

Who is it for?

Pressure sores result from decreased blood flow to an area of skin and tissue. When you rest on a bony area of your body for an extended period of time, the pressure prevents adequate blood supply and can cause tissue death. Common pressure sore patients include those in hospital beds, wheel chairs, or with spinal cord injury. Depending on the severity of a pressure sore, it can leave a crater-like result in the affected area. Dr. Nguyen can reconstruct the tissue to facilitate healing and coverage of the wound.

How does it work?

To perform the reconstruction of a pressure sore, Dr. Nguyen will move healthy tissue from one part of the body (usually the back, buttocks, or thigh) to the site of the sore. This healthy tissue will help to cover the sore as well as nourish the tissue surrounding it with adequate blood supply. Dr. Nguyen will then close all incisions, sometimes with a skin graft.

What happens after the procedure?

Recovery from pressure sore reconstruction requires diligence in order to ensure that the results are not compromised and new sores do not develop. Patients are moved to an air-fluid bed, where they remain positioned flat for four weeks to allow the reconstructed tissue to heal without being stressed. Patients can then be moved to a semi-sitting position, and six weeks after the surgery they may begin sitting for intervals of ten minutes. Close monitoring of the surgery site is required to make sure there is no discoloration or separation along the edge of the wound. Dr. Nguyen will work with you to make sure this intensive recovery process occurs as needed.

If you live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and you’re wondering if a procedure is right for you, we would love to talk with you!